Congratulations to dr. Natalia Kus Setiarini has won 3rd place in the Poetry Reading Competition organized by FK UNDIP in celebration of the 61st Diponegoro University Medical Faculty Dies Natalis event. dr. Lia (as she was called) at the audition and peak night brought a poem entitled “Hujan Bulan Juni” by Sapardi Djoko Darmono. The chanting of verse after verse, so comfortably penetrate the soul whom in the crowd feels lonely.  Good luck and poetic always!

Dr. dr. @fitri_fitri_997 , Sp.KJ(K)
dr. @natalia.d.wardani , Sp.KJ
dr. @innawatijusup_psikiater , M.Kes., Sp.KJ
dr. @hang16_2000 , Sp.KJ
dr. @meykadidit.dhiwa_ , Sp.KJ
dr. @titis_hadiati , Sp.KJ
dr. Rachmawati, Sp.KJ
dr. @widodosarjana , MKM., Sp.KJ
dr. @mahesa_permana , Sp.KJ
dr. @tanjungsumekar , Sp.KJ
